USI Startup Centre

Date: 28 November 2023 / 17:30 – 20:00

Startup Lounge, USI Startup Centre, Level 2, Sector C, East Campus (via la Santa 1, Lugano-Viganello)

Business Apéro is an annual information and networking event organised by USI and SUPSI as part of the Innosuisse Start-up Training Programme. The event is open to entrepreneurs, students, researchers and anyone interested in launching an innovative startup.

Event programme:

17.30 – 17.40  |  Welcome and introduction by USI Startup Centre

17.40 – 18.10  |  “Scaling B2C online businesses” by Alessandro Soldati, CEO of GOLD AVENUE

18.10 – 18.40  |  “What an MVP can tell you?” by Luca Camerini, CEO and Co-founder WellD, Co-founder TellTheHotel and Empirico

18.40 – 19.00  |  “Thinking beyond the product features – Considerations from an early-stage investor” by Dario Caleffi, Startup Mentor, Investor and Founder

19.00 – 20.00  |  Apéro & Networking

Business Apéro 2023: From MVP to full-scale product

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